A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) among Local Enterprise Resource Planning Software System in Private Educational Institute: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Muhammad Ali Junaid Scholar, The Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Imran Ghafoor Chaudhry Director QEC, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Khunsa Junaid Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan


Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Local Enterprise Resource Planning Software System, Private Educational Institute, Cross-Sectional Study


Globalization drives information transitions, necessitating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for efficient coordination
in higher educational institutes. Deployment is a costly and intricate process that requires specific success factors. Previous research focused on management, overlooking user perspectives. The study uses a quantitative methodology to
gather data from 300 employees in private Higher Education Institutions, focusing on user perspectives rather than
management. Non-probability convenience sampling was employed to obtain cross-sectional data. The successful
implementation of an ERP system requires top management endorsement, functional assistance, a reliable partner,
comprehensive training, active user engagement, a proficient ERP team, robust MIS department, meticulous planning,
organizational support, effective change management, well established IT infrastructure, superior ERP software selection,
and a deep understanding of the ERP concept. Critical success factors significantly impact ERP implementation success in
developing countries. Organizations should consider financial, employee, application, technical, and vendor capabilities when selecting an ERP system, providing valuable insights for policymakers.




How to Cite

Junaid, M. A., Chaudhry, I. G. ., & Junaid, K. (2024). A Comparative Study of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) among Local Enterprise Resource Planning Software System in Private Educational Institute: A Cross-Sectional Study . International Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 5(2), 1–15. Retrieved from https://www.ijbms.org/index.php/ijbms/article/view/559